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Postman Challenge


The game Postman Challenge was developed through the research projects "Development of Interaction Solutions for Accessible Digital Games" and "Accessibility in games for mobile devices: expanding the possibilities of the Desafio do Carteiro" game; the first coordinated by  Dr. Ana Elisa Schimidt, and the second by Prof. Dra. Adriana Gomes Alves.

The game is a digital educational game developed under the universal design paradigm, aligned with the concept of assistive technology. The game offers an interactive experience through natural interfaces between the player and the game environment.

The game is presented in two versions, in one of them the interaction takes place through optional poses to actions necessary for progression in the game (discontinued due to the obsolescence of the equipment used); and in the second version the game features a touch interface (Android).

The game allows the participation of only one player whose age group is not restricted. However, it is more suitable for children between 6 and 10 years old, in the process of pre-literacy and literacy, including children with disabilities.

The game is based on an adventure, whose main character is a postman whose goal is to deliver letters and packages. The objects are spread over locations in a city, so the player needs to carry out missions that involve delivering products to different locations in his city. At each delivery the postman is faced with problems in the form of puzzles minigames, which when solving them, help him to proceed to the next stage and deliver the letters and packages. The game addresses an urban theme and problem solving for promote the development of different skills and abilities, with emphasis on: memory, logical reasoning, spatial notion and motor coordination. It can be adopted in several disciplines, such as mathematics, Portuguese language, geography, history and physical education. Its proposal is not limited to the disabled and their inclusion, but proposes activities that can be enjoyed by all children in the process of literacy.


How to play

The objectives are passed to the player through the story / tutorial presented at the beginning of the game. Through the resolution of the missions and in the selection of objects that will appear in the scene he will accumulate points.

To find the delivery address, a challenge must be solved. At the end of each challenge the postman will go to a different location to deliver the letter, corresponding to the items found in the challenge (Ex .: If there are elements of a cafeteria, the postman after winning the challenge will go to the cafeteria).

The difficulty increases as the missions are solved, as well as the challenges contained in them.


Windows version
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