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Ocean simulator


Ocean Simulator was developed within the scope of technology projects for interaction in the museum space of MOVI - Oceanographic Museum of Univali.

Ocean Simulator is a software that allows the free creation of an ocean environment and its simulation that shows, in the most realistic way possible, its viability, enabling the learning of important information about the marine ecosystem and its functioning. In an interactive and fun way, the user can learn how a marine ecosystem works and how human interference can affect the beings that inhabit it, such as imbalance and even the extinction of species.

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How to play

An interface was created in which options of living beings to be inserted in the simulation are arranged on the sides of the screen and the simulation takes place in the center of the screen, like the programmed behaviors. The figure below shows the game's in-game interface.

The insertion of living beings in the simulation takes place with the action of selecting the graphic representation of the animal that is desired on the sides and dragging it to the area of the simulation and releasing it. From that moment on, the user will no longer be able to move the animal placed in the simulation, and the AI will have the task of acting in order to imitate, as closely as possible, the actions of an animal that would be in the marine environment.

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Platform: windows

It does not need to be installed, just unzip the folder and run the game.

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